4.11.64 女裝, T恤, 派對服裝, 上衣 | Next 香港
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If dresses aren't your vibe and you're looking for something for an evening out then why not take a look at our women's party tops and t-shirts. If you want a more laid-back look for a casual dinner date, you can opt for the jeans and nice top approach with wide leg jeans, or if you want something with a bit more of the wow-factor we have sparkly, silky and sheer styles which will look great with faux-leather leggings and heels for full-on glam. These stylish separates really are a fabulous option for your next night out.

粉色 - Love & Roses金屬光燦捲袖平織T恤 (N55167) | HK$298
黑色 - 閃爍珍珠袖T恤 (N57446) | HK$272
粉色 - 閃亮亮片星星圖案T恤 (N57463) | HK$187
灰綠色 - 短袖閃亮平織泡泡下擺上衣 (Q82665) | HK$153
螢光粉色 - 短袖閃亮平織泡泡下擺上衣 (Q82663) | HK$153
白色 - Reiss Tereza棉质平织圆领T恤 (A34570) | HK$503
黑色棕櫚樹裝飾圖案 - 重量級短袖圓領T恤 (D46365) | HK$170
白色 - 紋理前擰花短袖上衣 (N63905) | HK$187
黑色 - Lipsy緞面喱士飾邊V領短袖T恤 (K41586) | HK$255
粉色 - 亮片T恤 (Q67047) | HK$374
乳白色 - 亮片T恤 (Q67025) | HK$374
海軍藍 - Reiss Tereza棉质平织圆领T恤 (U08201) | HK$503